Kvakomat Installs 15 New VENDO BOX ATMs Across Hungary

Kvakomat Installs 15 New VENDO BOX ATMs Across Hungary

In January 2025, the Kvakomat cryptocurrency ATM network expanded its presence in Hungary by installing new devices in several cities.

Below is an overview of the new ATMs:

CityATM NameAddressOperating Hours
BudapestVENDO BOX Jókai térJókai tér, 106124/7
BudapestVENDO BOX Baross tér - Keleti pályaudvarBaross téri aluljáró 1, 108724/7
BudapestVENDO BOX RumbachRumbach Sebestyén u. 15, 107424/7
DebrecenVENDO BOX - Csápo 28Csapó u. 28, 402424/7
SzékesfehérvárVENDO BOX - Budai útBudai út 14, 800024/7
VeszprémVENDO BOX - Kossuth Lajos u. 1Kossuth Lajos u. 1, 820024/7
BékéscsabaVENDO BOX - Petofi u.2Petőfi u. 2, 560024/7
GyulaVENDO BOX Gyula - Varoshaz u.17-19Városház u. 17-19, 570024/7
SzegedVENDO BOX - Tisza Lajos krt. 77Tisza Lajos krt. 77, 672224/7
BajaVENDO BOX - Szegedi útSzegedi út 1, 650024/7
MosonmagyaróvárVENDO BOX - Kolbai Károly u. 10Kolbai Károly u. 10, 920024/7
EgerVENDO BOX - Szent János u. 7Szent János u. 7, 330024/7
EsztergomVENDO BOX - EsztergomBajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 1, 250024/7
GyőrVENDO BOX - Jedlik Ányos u. 3Jedlik Ányos u. 3, 902224/7
SopronVENDO BOX - SopronVárkerület 98, 940024/7


Our ATMs facilitate the buying and selling of leading digital currencies, such as:

  • Bitcoin
  • Lightning Bitcoin
  • Litecoin
  • Ethereum
  • Dogecoin
  • Ripple
  • Cardano
  • Tron
  • USDT-TRC20
  • USDT-ERC20

All ATMs support the purchase and sale of the aforementioned cryptocurrencies with a minimum transaction amount of 5,000 HUF for purchases and 10,000 HUF for sales. Fees vary depending on the selected cryptocurrency and type of operation.

A complete list of ATMs and their characteristics can be found on the official Kvakomat website.

The expansion of the Kvakomat network makes cryptocurrency transactions even more accessible for residents and visitors of Hungary, providing convenient and secure ways to exchange digital assets.


